Using Hugo as a daily life log

I have been working on automating my daily journal with Hugo, vi, and a few bash scripts. The primary goal is to create a friction free system to update a journal entry every time I context switch between tasks or need to log something interesting.

The workflow starts by creating a new journal file every morning with the following bash script. If the journal file does not already exist, a new file is created using the current date as the name, vi is started for editing, and a live web server is loaded to view changes. When vi is closed, the file saves and the web server shuts down. I put this script in the search $PATH:


cdate=`date +%Y%m%d`

cd $hugobase

if [ ! -f "$journalfile" ]; then
    hugo new posts/$

hugo -D server -p 8000 --quiet > /dev/null 2>&1 &

vi $journalfile

kill `ps -ef | grep "[h]ugo -D server -p 8000" | awk '{print $2}'`

Create a Hugo template ($HUGOROOT/archetypes/

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
toc: false
  - journal

# Daily log:

# Decisions:

# Changes:

# Notes:

By using an insert key-remap, typing idt anywhere within vi will insert a date and time stamp. Add this to the ~/.vimrc file:

inoremap idt <C-R>=strftime("%c - ")<CR>

Start the system:

jemurray@mbp-2019:~ $
title: "20200706"
date: 2020-07-06T08:30:57-05:00
toc: false
  - journal

# Daily log:

Mon Jul  6 08:31:04 2020 - review security vulnerability on XXXX and fix put in place to stop it.

Mon Jul  6 08:40:45 2020 - determine XXXXXX charges his time against

Mon Jul  6 08:52:44 2020 - review EnterpriseApplications Confluence pages

Mon Jul  6 08:56:12 2020 - Network Engineering staff meeting

Mon Jul  6 09:11:15 2020 - Zeek tap design

Mon Jul  6 09:28:40 2020 - NE manager meeting

Mon Jul  6 09:58:30 2020 - find IP ranges for med VPN for james 

Mon Jul  6 10:34:04 2020 - snack break

Mon Jul  6 10:44:49 2020 - continue work on zeek taps

Mon Jul  6 11:24:06 2020 - missed monitoring project discussion meeting, was wrapped up in zeek tap

Mon Jul  6 11:24:26 2020 - lunch.

Mon Jul  6 12:01:35 2020 - created blog post about this journal system

# Decisions:
"~/Documents/www-personal/current/" 49L, 1132C