KringleCon 3 Coming Soon

SANS is hosting KringleCon 3, the annual Holiday Hacking Contest attended by the best security experts around the world. KringleCon is an online capture the flag (CTF) style event where players solve various security related challenges.

Last year players were presented with 10 different objectives of varying levels of difficulty. In addition, each objective had a corresponding training module to help the user become familiar with the concepts and tools necessary to solve the task. Some of these training modules were created by high profile experts in their fields. It was a fantastic learning opportunity.

Players are ranked on their ability to solve the puzzles. Additional points are awarded to players who spend time documenting and publishing their solutions.

CTF events are a great way for security professionals to build skills. It is free to play, there are no obligations. You have nothing to loose, give it a try.

The contest opens up the second week of December.