Thank you Teresa!

Thank you to the Southwest Airline flight attendant for helping keep my wife a little bit safer as she travels.

My wife is going through a round of chemotherapy to treat breast cancer. Many chemo drugs cause hair loss, and my wife is no exception. Like the many other people in this situation, she wears a cap to cover her head. Even with the fancy head covering, it it still fairly obvious the scourge of cancer has taken hold.

In the United States and around the world we are currently facing the COVID19 pandemic that makes people in my wifes condition even more susceptible to infection. Social distancing and masks are common place, but not always easy in confined quarters.

While traveling this week, she boarded a Southwest airline flight. There is no assigned seating, it is first-come-first-served. Shortly after selecting her seat, the flight attended must have noticed the fancy cap and moved over to block anyone else from sitting in her row.

A subtle but kind gesture. I appreciate the human empathy for my wifes condition and would like to thank Teresa for keeping her a little bit safer during her travels.

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