Export Infoblox IPv4 Networks into Splunk Lookup Table

I want to search for Infoblox subnets in Splunk using lookup tables like this:

|inputlookup infoblox-ipv4-network-export.csv | search | where cidrmatch(CIDR,"")  | table CIDR, address*, netmask*, EA-School, comment, domain_name

What follows are the steps to export the data from Infoblox, convert the address and netmask to a CIDR block, import the data into a Splunk lookup table, then search the data using CIDR matching syntax.

Technical Details

  • First, export the data from Infoblox using the Global CSV export console (Data Management -> IPAM -> CSV Job Manager -> CSV Export -> +):

Image of new csv export job

  • Uncheck all the export objects and select IPv4 Network only:

Image of global csv export wizard

  • Click Export Data. Depending on the size it will take a while to export.

  • When the export job is complete, click the hamburger menu and select Download file:

Image of csv job manager to download the file

  • The CSV export writes networks in address / netmask format, it does not contain CIDR addresses. To use the cidrmatch() function in Splunk, we must add a CIDR address. Use this Python script to compute a /CIDR and add an additional column to each row with the new value:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import csv
    from ipaddress import IPv4Network
    with open('infoblox-ipv4-network-export.csv', 'r') as fin:
        reader = csv.reader(fin, delimiter=',')
        with open('new_infoblox-ipv4-network-export.csv', 'w') as fout:
            writer = csv.writer(fout, delimiter=',')
            # set headers here, grabbing headers from reader first
            writer.writerow(next(reader) + ['CIDR'])
            for row in reader:
                address = row[1]
                network = row[2]
                cidr = IPv4Network(address + '/' + network).prefixlen
                row.append(address + '/' + str(cidr))
  • Import the CSV data into a Splunk lookup table (Settings -> Lookups -> Lookup table files -> + Add New):

Image of import csv data into a splunk lookup table

  • Use Splunk to query the data using a CIDR match:
|inputlookup infoblox-ipv4-network-export.csv | search | where cidrmatch(CIDR,"")  | table CIDR, address*, netmask*, EA-School, comment, domain_name

Image of output of splunk lookup table search