Using iplocate to geolocate IP addresses in Splunk.


Converting an IP address into a physical location can greatly enhance an Incident Responder’s decision-making process. It enables them to identify patterns or eliminate irrelevant data by focusing on specific countries. With the use of the |iplocate command in Splunk, what was once considered a complex and specialized skill becomes a straightforward task.

Technical Details

In this example, the Zeek connection data is enhanced by including the geolocated source IP address for each connection.

To begin, we will use a simple Zeek conn_log query that focuses on:

  • Identifying connections made to a specific host
  • Filtering out external IP addresses
  • Selecting connections that involved a download of more than 5K bytes
index=zeek sourcetype=zeek_conn id.resp_h= AND (id.resp_p=80 OR id.resp_p=443) AND resp_bytes>5000 AND (id.orig_h!= 
| table _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_p, conn_state, duration, resp_shunted_bytes, resp_ip_bytes, resp_bytes 
| sort -resp_bytes

Which outputs:

_time	id.orig_h	id.resp_p	conn_state	duration	resp_shunted_bytes	resp_ip_bytes	resp_bytes
2023-06-15 14:22:44.455	80	SF	10.873228073120117	 	3274	4294968721
2023-06-15 06:14:02.512	80	SF	19.41591215133667	 	3316	4294968702
2023-06-15 18:25:39.162	80	SF	0.04450201988220215	 	2038	4294968103
2023-06-15 07:03:25.599	80	SF	0.23454689979553223	 	1318	4294967823
2023-06-15 13:08:06.943	80	SF	0.05164289474487305	 	1274	4294967801
2023-06-15 11:48:34.510	80	SF	20.484610080718994	 	1258	4294967713

Now, let’s enrich the source IP address (id.orig_h) with the City and Country it originated from, then use this information to exclude everything from the United States:

index=zeek sourcetype=zeek_conn id.resp_h= AND (id.resp_p=80 OR id.resp_p=443) AND resp_bytes>5000 AND (id.orig_h!= 
| iplocation id.orig_h 
| where Country!="United States"
| table _time, id.orig_h, City, Country,  id.resp_p, conn_state, duration, resp_shunted_bytes, resp_ip_bytes, resp_bytes
| sort -resp_bytes

Which outputs:

_time	id.orig_h	City	Country	id.resp_p	conn_state	duration	resp_shunted_bytes	resp_ip_bytes	resp_bytes
2023-06-15 14:22:44.455	Rho	Italy	80	SF	10.873228073120117	 	3274	4294968721
2023-06-15 06:14:02.512	Shenzhen	China	80	SF	19.41591215133667	 	3316	4294968702
2023-06-15 07:03:25.599	Tuniugou	Taiwan	80	SF	0.23454689979553223	 	1318	4294967823
2023-06-15 11:48:34.510	Moscow	Russia	80	SF	20.484610080718994	 	1258	4294967713
2023-06-15 20:57:27.714	Auckland (Auckland CBD)	New Zealand	443	SF	0.39174818992614746	 	654	4294967303
2023-06-15 20:57:26.480	Auckland (Auckland CBD)	New Zealand	443	SF	0.41156911849975586	 	550	4294967303
2023-06-15 22:12:57.538	Vilnius	Lithuania	443	RSTO	0.2701132297515869	 	264	4294967296
2023-06-15 05:20:56.761	Jakarta	Indonesia	80	SF	24.700366020202637	 	629	2107393772
2023-06-15 07:33:32.710	Belgrade	Serbia	443	RSTO	14.081745862960815	 	2348967	1892331044
2023-06-15 07:32:19.574	Belgrade	Serbia	443	RSTO	39.91005301475525	 	2616378	1581744615