Dumping ARP tables with python and Netmiko

By using a combination of Python, Netmiko, and TextFSM, I am able to dump the current ARP table on our Cisco routers to generate a variety of diagnostic and reporting tools. The TextFSM module to Netmiko outputs the data in JSON format for easy reporting and manipulation.

Here is an example snippet using pprint to display the results:

#!/bin/env python3

from netmiko import Netmiko
from getpass import getpass
import pprint

password = getpass()

output = []

net_connect = Netmiko(host="", username="jemurray", password=password, device_type="cisco_ios")


output.append(net_connect.send_command("show ip arp", use_textfsm=True))

for i in output:
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)