Creating a shortcut in vscode to switch between the terminal and editor


I spend a lot of time in vscode swapping between the editor and terminal windows. To streamline the workflow and keep my hands from leaving the keyboard, I created the shortcut ctrl + ; to swap between the two windows.

Image of vscode session with editor and terminal windows open


Open the keyboard shortcuts settings:

Image of vscode keyboard shortcut settings menu

First, search for Terminal: Focus on Terminal View.

Change the setting by right clicking the keyboard shortcut. Then change the Keybinding to ctrl + ; and change When to !terminalFocus:

Image of vscode keyboard shortcut settings

Next, search for View: Focus Active Editor Group.

Change the setting by right clicking the keyboard shortcut. Then change the Keybinding to ctrl + ; and change When to terminalFocus:

Note: vscode may not let you change the Keybinding to the same shortcut as above. To resolve this issue, change the keybinding to ctrl + =, then change the When statement to terminalFocus. Now go back and change the Keybinding to ctrl + ;.

Image of vscode keyboard shortcut settings

Both commands will look like this when finished:

Image of vscode keyboard shortcut settings

Press ctrl + ; to toggle between the current editor window and the current terminal session.